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Showing posts from January, 2014

Ten Best sites for learning Creativity and Craft

If we have some best sites to learn from, in our chosen world, no doubt it will definitely be a great help. There will always be something new to learn from those people. Are you looking for such sites and spending a lot of time in this search? If so, this list is for you. 1. Brain Pickings You can read a lot of combinational forces of creativity on this site. These discussions can be very helpful in developing your own creativity. She has a newsletter and promptly it will reach your mail box, if you subscribe. Reading her newsletter is a great inspiration to me. 2. Aliventures If you are looking for practical advice for overcoming obstacles in your writing, aliventures is the site you have to check out. You can also learn how to be more productive in your writing on this site. 3. Dani Shapiro If you are lacking creative inspiration this is a site to explore. Dani Shapiro is a memoir author. 4. Grammar Girl Whatever you are writing, grammar is an important factor to be...

Five Best Blogs to learn Blogging

Are you looking for best websites to learn blogging in 2014? Have you tried enough time to find out about them? You can check out these five websites for this purpose. 1. Be a Freelance Blogger This is a place for the writers to learn how to make more money by writing. The site also has opportunity for guest blogging, for free and for earning cash. 2. Boost Blog Traffic A blog without sufficient traffic is of no use. This blog teaches you how to get more traffic, how to get more readers, how to build your email list, how to become an authority in your niche etc. 3. Penelop Trunk Reading the posts at Penelop Trunk you will be able to learn how to grow a blog community. 4. Problogger net Problogger is an excellent example how to make a living with blogs. The site also offers a job board where you may perhaps able to find a freelance job. While you are here don't forget to check out one of the most popular posts there - Make money blogging 5. Smart P...

Hashtags for writers - tweeting

Some of the hashtags used by authors for selling their books. These are the hastags used for different Genres #litfic (#literaryfiction) #histfic #histnovel #womensfiction #scifichat #scifi #romance #RWA (romance writers of America) #memoirchat #litchat #paranormal #crime #suspense Twitter hashtags for Short Stories #short #story #shortstories #shortreads When you are in the process of writing these hashtags will be helpful for tweeting - #WIP (work in progress) #amwriting #amediting #writingtip #writer #writersLife #writeChat #writeTip #writingparty #Storystarter #WrMatters Hashtags for Publishing #publishing #askagent #pubtip #askauthor #getpublished #indieauthors #indiepub Hashtags for children's book authors. #kidlit #kidlitchat #MGLit (middle grade lit) #SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) #yalitchat

10 tips for selling your books

All the indie authors want their books to be sold as many copies as possible. But for many, it is very difficult. Joanna-Penn gives ten tips for selling our books. The following points are to be checked - For a full post, please read this link 1. Is your book available as an ebook? 2. Has your cover been professionally designed? 3. Has your book been professionally edited so it reads well? 4. Have you submitted the book to the right categories on the ebook stores? 5. Have you optimized your Amazon sales page with a hook, quotes from reviews and other material? 6. Have you priced your book realistically, or at least tried different price points? 7. Have you written, or are you writing another book? 8. Have you done some kind of promotion or marketing to let people know it is there? 9. Have you asked for reviews, or submitted to review sites? 10. Are you working your butt off?

Another review for 'Cherished '

Today morning, as usual, I picked up the newspaper(Deccan Herald) and read the main news items. Then without my knowledge, my hands flipped through the Sunday Supplement, and my eyes stopped at the Book Review section, to check which are the new books reviewed. Suddenly, to my utter surprise, I saw my book CHERISHED there. The review starts like this... “Fathers, like mothers, are not born; Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development.” How true! Lakshmi Menon has aptly brought out this famous saying of David Gottesman to strengthen her novel Cherished. The story revolves around a family of two — husband and wife, but it is the daughter Jyoti who adds colour to this novel presented to the readers in fluent expressive language and unambiguous relevant conversations. Read the full review here -