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Showing posts from March, 2025

Beauty of Gladioli - A wonderful collection to your garden

Gladioli flowers give extra beauty to the garden. There are different colours of gladioli flowers. My sister gave me some gladioli bulbs last year and I planted them. They are in different colours. Gladioli is usually grown in Asia, Mediterranean Europe, South Africa, and tropical Africa. It is sometimes called a ā€˜sword lily.ā€™ Gladiolus should be planted on well-drained and even sandy soil. They also like sunny locations. It will be nice to plant the gladiolus deeper than usual (about 8 inches deeper) because they have a tall sheaf of leaves. This will help anchor them against strong winds that might blow them over to the ground. If it is not possible it will be helpful for them if a stick is provided to them, as a support. Proper watering is required in their early days and make sure to mulch the soil around them to keep them moist. Gladioli plants thrive if the bulbs are protected by a thick mulch throughout the winter. I grow them both in mud as well as on pots. They take 70 to 100 ...